Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ummm I walked WITHOUT my crutches today :)

....nuff said


JanAl said...

as Charity says, WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you are nothing if not determined :p

it WAS pretty cool seeing you walk out of your "room" without them yesterday, though. definitely caught me by surprise!

Margaret said...

YAY! You are way ahead of schedule!

~~anna~~ said...

Way to go, girl! Praise God!

Aunt Janet said...

you are such a blessing to Kathy Pickering from our church. Her cousins asked how you were doing today. I told her I just read where you were walking with out crutches. She said," Wow!! that is so soon." The family lives in Dayton, but she is still in the hospital in Indy. The husband is trying to keep things going at home and going to visit her. You will be their inspiration.