Friday, March 30, 2007

Thinking...(warning: can be dangerous)

I have had some time lately where i have been able to spend time with just myself and my thoughts. I have discovered a few things:

1) I will miss my family next year. Ty absolutely cracks me up. I love his odd sense of humor and how he cant help but laugh at himself when he does something funny. Cami....i just love to embarrass her, especially when i'm driving her somewhere and i dance around in the car to the music. Ryan and i have finally started to be brother and sister rather than enemies. We talked for half and hour alone, over beef jerky, when i went to visit him in january. Dad, he doesn't mean to do it most of the time, but he is hilarious as well (and when he tries to be, its usually pretty corny)...but we all love him for it. Mom...she listens to me no matter how boring my story matter how bad her day has matter how late at night it is. She cries with me and she laughs both with me and at me. (i cant believe i'm tearing up typing this)
so yes, as much as i'd love to deny it...i will miss them all

2) My best friend is amazing, and it blows my mind how God put us together at the perfect time in both our lives. Jen and I either show how much we are alike (i.e. army crawling anywhere, or "james bond-ing" it down the church hallway) or how much we are different (i.e. she yells at people when she's mad and i just cry like a wimp...then she yells at me for being a wimp!). We can have deep meaningful conversations, venting sessions, completely meaningless conversations, or just sit there silently and that be ok. When one of us is emotional, the other one is there to say "snap out of it and move on" or lend a shoulder if needed. I cant even begin to say how much i'll miss seeing her next year.

3) Old friends are great too. I have noticed that lately some of the most fun conversations i have had, have been with people that i used to hang out with all the time, and don't anymore. Just reminiscing on the "old times" has been so fun. Also, i have had fun getting back in contact with a friend that i hadn't talked to in almost a year. He is one of those people that i wish i had had more time to get to know because i feel like we could have been such close friends given time.

4) high school is so dumb. Without drama, what would high school be? Oooo ooo pick me! Pick me! I know! High school would actually be about preparing for college, not who hung out with who last weekend, not where prom is going to be this year, not who is on your data match list, not giving up and dropping out 9 weeks before you could graduate. The class of 2007 is setting the record for most students in one class to NOT graduate. My class could probably set the record for most kids born from unwed pregnancies too. Can you believe that there are over 40 girls in the Greenville school system that are pregnant? And almost that many already have one or two kids. That blows my mind.

5) I am 18...if i mess up...i will have a record...

As my senior year comes to a close, I keep thinking about all the things I am glad i did, all the things i wish i hadn't, and all the things i wish i had done. But mostly, i realize that God has had His hand in my life and He has a purpose for me and that the things i have or haven't done are all part of growing up and becoming who He wants me to be.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The only good mice are the Cinderella ones....

It all started about a week ago...

I was laying in bed and i heard scratching/chewing/running noises. I think to myself, "just another mouse....set a trap and go back to bed" do just that. Two nights later, i realize...there is no more noise....i check the trap...empty

So, now I'm thinking, " more mouse." HA

Of course not!

Two days ago, i began to smell a faint smell of something have smelled this same smell before...dead mouse

no big deal right....find it, throw it out, and spray some air freshener.

no, no, no, no, no

The stupid mouse has died, yes....but INSIDE the wall behind my door

Fabulous, eh?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Road Trip!

This past weekend zach, jen, logan, jansen and i drove to Goshen to see Katie in a musical called "Seussical." It was very entertaining (logan especially loved the kid who played Dr. Seuss). We stayed over night and left sunday morning after way too little sleep. Jansen, in case you were wondering, snores like a FREIGHT TRAIN which was the cause for my lack of sleep. On the way home we made a few stops for some fresh air considering there were 5 people packed in an Ion and the boys hogged shotgun both directions. But we still had a lot of fun.

Many things stressing me out lately:

a) scholarhips (i hate writing essays!)

b) prom (i haven't even started looking for a dress!)

c) spanish (placement tests that i am sooo unprepared for)

Good things happening:

a) I'm pretty much sure that i wont be taking any final exams

b) I was able to meet up with a friend from lifeguarding whom i haven't been in contact with for a long time. I emailed zach to see if he was re-certifying the same weekend as me and he emailed back and we started to catch up with each other. So, he decided to come home from school this weekend and we met up for coffee. It was really nice to see him again and we had fun talking just like we used to.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Twisted Fun

My friends and I have come to love a very simple...very old...and very easily overlooked game


Sunday, March 04, 2007

SENIORITIS - - at its worst

90 days till graduation!

thats all i cant think about!
i have a stack of homework that i SHOULD be doing and haven't touched...but im catching on to the whole "i don't even care anymore" attitude...people have been trying to get me hooked for awhile now.

Sorry this post is so boring...jen made me do it