Thursday, December 06, 2007


on wednesday, december 5, marissa danielle finch earned her first "A" (100 percent!) on an Anatomy & Physiology exam

and she is all smiles

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Losing My Mind

Maybe I feel this way because I am not a professor, but why would a prof give a very very large test two days before the final? Or even 4 days before? Do they expect us to be prepared for the final after only a weekend of studying? Here is a look at my schedule:

Tuesday: Anatomy & Physiology Lab Final
Wednesday: Anatomy & Physiology exam over Endocrine System
UNV 180 Final
Friday: Microbiology exam over Immunology

Monday: English Portfolio Due
Anatomy & Physiology Final
Tuesday: Microbiology Final
Wednesday: English research presentation speech

Lucky for me I already wrote the 4 papers that are due in my UNV 180 class this week over my oh so relaxing Thanksgiving break (sarcasm on the "oh so relaxing" in case you did not catch on to it)

I am getting stress/caffeine headaches every single day like clockwork and they last ALL DAY.
Luckily i was the target of someone's "Act of Kindness" paper (we had to write a paper about an annonymous act of kindness we did for someone) and i came back to my dorm to find a "finals care package" that included oreos, munchos, and two double-shot starbucks espresso's!!!

other than that this week sucks