Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Today Chelsea, Brooke, Christina and I signed the lease for our new house that we will move into this May!  To the left is the view from the street.  Our house is actually right across the street from some good friends of ours from Greenville, lacie list and lyndsay sharp, which have worked at the pool with chels, brooke and i for the last 4 years. The kitchen is being COMPLETELY remodeled and we've seen the floor plan and it looks fantastic!!  We also get to choose paint for the house and our landlord, Stan-the-man, is going to paint it for us before we move in!  Stan-the-man is pretty great.  Our rent is so great, we got very lucky, AND he caps off our utilities so we pay a set price and we will never pay any extra even in the winter for heating...which is wonderful!!  Our porch on the left is probably one of our favorite parts of the house.  We got the house just in time too because he was getting ready to show it to 4 other groups in the next two days until i called to tell him we wanted it.  Its a good thing i took my mom's advice and prayed about and waited on this other house we thought we wanted.  We waited a week and went back to look at it and realized it was a disaster waiting to happen...and we asked around about the landlord and found out that he is very slow at getting repairs done.  We have a cute little picnic area in the backyard with a grill and benches (its kind of like a little shelter that is open on one side).  BASICALLY, the four of us are in love with this house!