Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My First All-Nighter

I have just successfully completed my first all-nighter! Ironically it was spent writing a research paper about sleep deprivation in college students...hmmm

oh well, i think i have officially completed this rite of passage and i never have the desire to do it again!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I am never having children, or getting married for that matter!

I have decided that i would make a horrible mother unless i decide to make a conscious effort to forget everything i have learned in microbiology this semester. My kids would not touch anything or anyone..they would live in a bubble (a bubble that i would spray hourly with lysol). I cant tell you how many times i wash my hands per day (its almost to the point of OCD!) i also clean the toilet about every day in my dorm room. I really really dont want leptospirosis or pinworm. I really really dont want to get a UTI after my honeymoon. I really really cant step into a hot tub ever again or sleep in a hotel or eat from a buffet. Thank you Prof. McNeely...for making me a paranoid freak!

I think i will choose to make a conscious effort to forget all the gory details of microbiology after this semester is over...

Friday, November 09, 2007

The "Almost" A

no, i am not talking about the tween bra size...but its a similar situation

all i want this semester is an A on one of my tests (in either microbiology or anatomy&physiology)
my last three tests grades have gone like this: 83% 87% 89%
all i want is an A! just one! one point away..its like freshman year of high school when i was just one size away from being that A....no laughs please

Monday, November 05, 2007

Responsibility stinks

This weekend i was basically punished for being responsible with my money. Here is the scenario..

Myself and two of my friends went to Tennessee this past weekend so one of my friends could see her boyfriend and i could see my cousin darah who both went to the same school. The plan was to get there and back on 3 tanks of gas..3.5 at most, which would cost each of us $30-35...a chunk of money but not too bad

i ended up spending over $70 on gas alone--not including meals
alyssa's boyfriend also gave us $55 to help us out b/c my two friends came with very little money in their bank accounts. I also had to pay for one of the girl's meals because she didnt bring enough for food. Thank goodness i actually had money in my bank account or else we would be stuck in kentucky right now. The two girls i went with insisted that they had enough money to pay for gas...one girl overdrew her account for the 20 something time so her parents refused to put any more money into it. The other girl claimed to have enought to cover every bit of gas we could possibly need-plus some...she didnt have that..not even close. So her poor boyfriend ended up spending almost as much as i did.

Now, there were other factors that played into the gas consumption of the trip.
A) we were set up on a blind double date that was supposed to be paid for..or so we were told by the boys...Nope...they first of all made US drive for almost an HOUR through knoxville where we used over half a tank of gas and then they picked an expensive resaurant where we got very little to eat..my friend and i split a side and both got drinks b/c we were afraid that these boys (noting how rude they were to us from the drive there) were not going to pay. They didnt. AND i had to cover my friend
B) we got lost on the way back to indiana but the driver would not stop and ask for directions anywhere so we drove around aimlessly for 45 min until she was too sick of me complaining that she was wasting the gas the I paid for b/c THEY didnt have enough money. we finally got back on track and then we needed to eat. My friend was set on taco bell and would not consider anything else as an option so she got off every food exit to try and find a taco bell (more gas wasted)...we couldnt find one after an hour and a half so we went to mcdonalds (note that she had told us she would pay for our meals with the little she had left).....we get to this mcdonals and she sees a starbucks across the street. She then very casually mentions that she cant get coffee like she wants really bad if she pays for the three of us to eat off the dollar menu....i end up paying again for myself so she can get her coffee.

the moral of this story is that marissa is practically broke and has no idea when she will get paid back for all the money she spent on this trip which ended up to be a complete bust and not fun. It sure "pays" to be responsible doesnt it?

So, its been awhile!

well i realized that the last time i posted was when i was still in high school. Not that long ago, but it sure does feel like it to me. I am almost done with my first semester of college! It didn't take me long to realize that all the studying i did in high school was nothing compared to what i have to do now. Back in mr. rismiller's anatomy class we had a month to learn all the bones and another month to learn all the bone markings--fast forward to college anatomy--one WEEK to learn all that information...luckily for me it was not as stressful as those who had never taken anatomy...i was able to recall quite a bit!

I guess i decided to start blogging again just so i can have a place to write my thoughts and give the occasional update on those who still want to know what goes on here at school with me! (mostly you mom!)