Monday, June 26, 2006

Dominican Republic (days 1-3)

When we first arrived on Monday, June 12 around 7 pm we got a short orientation and then went to our room to await the rest of the group that was coming from James Madison University. Eveyone else in my room woke up when the two other girls that joined our room came in. But i was sound asleep!

the next day consisted of sitting in plastic chairs listening to Nate and Kevin talk about what we'd be doing, what to expect each day, and the dominican culture. The major differences in culture are the ways they express themselves. If they dont understand something, they scrunch their nose at you; if you walk into or out of a room you greet each person by touching cheeks and kissing the air; and they dont point with their fingers, they use their lips to point. The most surprising part was when they said that dominican men see american women as easy and to expect them to whistle, make comments, and look at us in that manner. That definitely happened too, and sometimes it was a little scary.

Around 2 o'clock that day, we had orientation with our ministry sites. We went to the clinic to meet Alba and she told us what to expect each day, taught us how to take blood pressure, and then we talked and prayed the rest of the time.

That night two of the dominican women from the education site taught everyone how to merengue. My partner could use some practice:)

The third day was our first day actually in the ministry site doing missions work. I was really excited and and little scared about my responsibilities. Alba chose me to help her with the patients first (she thought i knew a lot of spanish..ha!) I actually understood a lot more than i thought i would. It was a little overwhelming at first, but after only 2 hours i could figure out what disease the patient had just by the combination of medicines that Alba gave them. It was really fun feeling like a doctor. All the patients saw us as doctors so they would talk to us instead of Alba because there, if they get an american doctor, they think they will get better treatment. So it felt cool when adults would come up to me as i was playing with the kids and start talking to me about their symptoms and where they had pain and ask me what to do and all this stuff...then i felt really stupid when all i could say was "Uhhh, no sé. Necesitas esperar por la doctora." (Uhhh i dont know. You need to wait for the doctor). After my first day, i couldnt wait to go back!

days 4&5 next!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

If You Give A Marissa Enough Credits, She's Going to Want to Graduate Early

Well, as you might all guess, graduation was yesterday for greenville and instead of studying for my two hardest exams tomorrow, i am updating my blog. I have realized that my GPA will still be over a 4.0 even if i get D's on all my exams. Sweeeet! Not that i still wont try...anyone who knows me knows that i am definitely type A perfectionist.

Back to graduation...(by the way, that will be me next year!)
HOWEVER, i want to graduate now. High school is just not my thing. Some people love it and good for them but i cannot wait to leave. I can already hear the advice coming from those of you who are out of college....."enjoy high school while you can because you cant go back"...... (this is the part where i put my fingers in my ears and sing "la dee da dee da.") I'm sure if i was a drama queen then i would just LOVE my high school....but indeed that is just not me. I get sad when i think about leaving all my friends, but then, i'll just make new ones in college and hopefully still keep the ones i have now! If it wasnt such a chore to graduate early, i'd probably do it. Thats enough complaining out of you, marissa.

Today was mi primo's graduation party and i got to see my favorite cousin....darah! (ps: She is like #1 hilarious...ha). That darn girl just cracks me up... and i got to catch up with julie who i havent talked to since...probably 6th grade basketball summer camp with uncle gary (alright?..OK!!...OK?.. alright!!). ahhh the good ol times.

Choir-o-rama was an overall sucess even though i got soooo nervous (as im sure everyone could tell) up on stage. I seriously, no joke, drank an entire 24 oz. bottle of water every night before going on stage for "I Will Survive." Then, once i stepped on stage, my mouth went dry. Don't you just hate that...sheesh.

Since im being so positive (as always) can i just ask a question? Is everyone else changing except me? Am i so old fashion to think that certain things are still so very wrong and yet it seems i am one of the only ones willing to stand up for my beliefs on this issue? Should i feel so alone? I thank God for the girl that has gotten me through with many long phone venting sessions, but why is she the only one my age who understands? It must just be one of those things that i cant shelter my friends from, they can learn from their mistakes and then I'll just be there waiting to support them when they need it. Its hard being the one who has to sit back and watch people mess up knowing that the minute you say something, you could damage a friendship. Its hard being the one who isnt having all the "fun" because you are so worried about your friends and what they are doing to themselves. Dont get me wrong, I am in no way better than anyone and i am prone to mistakes as well, but i only hope that my friends will confront me when they are concerned about me and that i will be able to respond in a way that shows i value them. I think that that is one great reason to stay in touch with God. He may want to speak through someone else to get to you, so we cant be quick to say "oh you're judging me." Maybe He wants to see if you'll listen to Him. I dont know, these have just been my thoughts the last few weeks. I dont have it all figured out, nor will i ever be able to discern the workings of God, or the minds of people. Heck, i dont even understand myself.