Sunday, February 22, 2009

Brief Update

Even though I have talked to most of you who read my blog, I'll give a quick update on my progress, since I have nothing else to blog about!

Not having the halo the last 10 days has been FABULOUS...friday night and most of the day saturday I was starting to regret the decision to get the halo off early and have 2 surgeries instead of one to remove all the hardware inside and out of my foot/ankle.  However, I am now SO glad I did it.  Reason number 1 being that I don't even have to wear the boot most of the time because most of the time I am just at home sitting or laying in bed...only when I am leaving the house do I really need to wear the boot.  My knee is getting much stronger as well.  I used to have to pick up my leg with my hands and place it on the bed, but now it is strong enough that I can get my leg into bed using my actually leg muscles...what is left of them anyway!  I am also sleeping so much better now because the pain of moving around at night is so much less than it used to be.

One concern my parents and I have though, is that I have lost about 7 lbs. since the accident, which puts me at a too-thin 100 lbs.  My pants don't fit and I'm starting to look like an anorexic.  We don't understand this because I eat the same amount if not more than I used to, and I do almost no activity during the day to burn the calories I take in.  We are hoping to get some answers from the doctor this week to see if this is normal after surgeries or if I need to get in to get some tests done....again.

Well I actually had more to say than I thought!
I probably won't have anything exciting to blog about until I start walking so we'll see how much blogging I do before my next appt. in mid-March


JanAl said...

Thanks for the update!
Maybe the loss of weight came from right after the accident, I'm sure your appetite and the fact that you were in so much pain, affected your appetite. Maybe your mom can make you ice cream shakes in the evening, that should put some lbs on, :}

Still praying for you, love you.

marissa finch said...

my appetite was back around the last day of my hospital stay...i came home and ate maid-rites! And i always eat snacks before bed...thats why it is so odd that I'm losing weight instead of gaining it

Anonymous said...

janal - she can already put away more food than is even fair - and doesn't gain a pound. she went to BW3's last week and ate 16 wings - more than any of the GUYS who were with her! i'm hoping it is just the after effects of the surgeries....

JanAl said...

definitely not fair!

Unknown said...

Marissa, wish I could give you some of my over weight(fat). Start eating 4 or 5 meals a day. It could all be stress related. Maybe when your walking around the weight will come back. My prayers are with you. You are doing good just keep up the good work. Love you. Grandma Bonnie