Saturday, November 10, 2007

I am never having children, or getting married for that matter!

I have decided that i would make a horrible mother unless i decide to make a conscious effort to forget everything i have learned in microbiology this semester. My kids would not touch anything or anyone..they would live in a bubble (a bubble that i would spray hourly with lysol). I cant tell you how many times i wash my hands per day (its almost to the point of OCD!) i also clean the toilet about every day in my dorm room. I really really dont want leptospirosis or pinworm. I really really dont want to get a UTI after my honeymoon. I really really cant step into a hot tub ever again or sleep in a hotel or eat from a buffet. Thank you Prof. McNeely...for making me a paranoid freak!

I think i will choose to make a conscious effort to forget all the gory details of microbiology after this semester is over...


Anonymous said...

wow, does that mean your bedroom will be cleaned really really well when you come home???????

marissa finch said...

haha.. we will see about that..i dont have to live there much

its going to be worse now here b/c MRSA just came to this county...

Anonymous said...

in that case, i will be grateful for this particular paranoid streak

Charity said...

I guess I shouldn't tell you, then, that Kari Bou put an ABC pice of gum in her mouth the other day at WalMart . . . now you'll never go near her again!

marissa finch said...

well from what ive learned, the mouth doesnt get much dirtier than it already is..and its a pretty disgusting place...we cultured our mouth bacteria in lab the second week of lab so we knew who not to kiss..haha